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Love | Easy Explanation


What is Love?


Love is more than just a feeling, it’s like a prize in life, which almost everyone gets at some point in their lives. We hear sometimes people talking about love, but usually, most of them are not aware of the true crux of love. It is devotion, affection, tenderness, and hopes, but not about self-importance, arrogance, boast and envy. When you love, you always put someone before yourself. It overcomes the difference that two lovers have, cast creed, race, color or language never matters with love, but it only matters belief and caring

Importance Of Love:


Love is crucial for being happy and healthier, the more connected you are with your partner, the less depression you will experience, because being unloved is one of the most common causes of suffering from depression. Love might be considered very close to the meaning of life for ones who experienced it. It's an energy, pure happiness, and exciting feeling. If you are feeling alone or simply not feeling happy due to so many reasons, love can heal you as a medicine.  

Love is important than everything, you can just enter in there, but never step aside because it expresses itself. Even if you choose to surrender, love strikes like lightning in your heart at every moment without any stipulations and conditions. It's like keep giving all of your personality, intentions and cares to somebody and never expect anything back.

Why Do We Love each other:


While we love someone, there are so many experiences we share with each other. It is beautiful, heartbreaking, soul-crushing, exciting and intoxicating, too often, these all feelings occur at the same time. Do you ever think why we choose to put ourselves through this emotional split? Does it really work to make our life meaningful or it is just an escape from our loneliness and suffering? For aromatic love, neither philosophy more science ever discovered the reason behind and why we do that. But they also enlighten many reasons. We love because we try to quench our psychological and physical desires, but it most belongs to the ecstasy of passion and caring. Our fears of the cold cruel and unhappy world tempt us to build a firm relationship to protect us for the intentions and isolate ourselves, so we can through our fear out of our cruel world and make it a happy place to live. Love infuses our lived with patience, it means more than a great friendship because love supports each other discovering themselves and enriching their lives together. Though we might never know why we fall in love, you can experience a burst of emotions with this, sometimes you lose yourself, sometimes you find yourself. Yet it is the most exhilarating feeling you should find out.
Love Is Pleasure High!
love teaches the lesson of patience, caring, and tenderness to the whole world. The existence of love is perfect, for being complete. There truly are not enough words for describing and defining love but can find the real one exploring it.  












